REGION photo room


Eleventh edition of Welcome to the Palace!

Urban tours and workshops

CIEP 6: International Congress of Heritage Education

Do people from Madrid know and value their cultural heritage?

Agenda of activities

History of exhibitions

Video library: last days and congresses

Video start button image

See the lens assembly tutorial Historical with the videos and publications of the latest conferences and congresses of cultural heritage.

Cultural routes


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Communications of activities of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage

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More contents of the topic Activities

Welcome to 2019 Palace

See again the concerts and conferences of the sixth edition

interior of the palace hall

Eleventh edition: from September 16 to November 30, 2024

nacha pop 1 eagle sounds

The Madrid scene. Nobody could stop

ciep v poster

CIEP5: Heritage communities and digital environments

REGION Carla Oset

Practical guide for the conservation and enhancement of intangible cultural heritage

heritage emergencies

A compilation of the last days and congresses of historical heritage of the Community of Madrid

Aranjuez region Montse Zamorano

Meeting held in El Águila in 2022, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention