intestinal microvilli
Human Anatomy Chart

Restoration of anatomical models of the Cabinet of Natural History of the IES Cardenal Cisneros


Restoration of twelve anatomical models from the late 19th century. XIX and early XX

The Community of Madrid has a network of Historical Institutes, secondary schools, created in the XNUMXth century and in the first third of the XNUMXth century, which guard and preserve cultural heritage assets of undoubted value. The name Historical Institutes refers to their patrimonial importance, on some occasions because of the building that houses them and on others, because of the documentary or instrumental pieces that they have managed to preserve.

In these institutes, collections of a very varied nature are preserved, with historical objects used in the teaching of subjects such as Biology, Geology, Physics or Chemistry. They range from anatomical, botanical and zoological models, such as naturalized animals, to collections of fossils and minerals and scientific-technological instruments, including historical maps for teaching Geography, models for explanations of Physics or Mathematics, musical instruments and works of art. art.

All these collections constitute an important fund of the historical heritage of the Community of Madrid that is largely unknown to the general public. For the purpose of their protection, conservation and enhancement, in 2019 the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage began a line of work with restoration interventions on assets from these collections, which is maintained to this day and which also meets their needs for preventive conservation.

El Cardinal Cisneros Institute It was born in 1845 with the name of Institute of the Novitiate, after the establishment of the Elementary Secondary Education Studies in the Plan of Pedro José Pidal in 1845, during the reign of Isabel II. It is the first in Madrid, along with the one in San Isidro.

The Natural History Office of IES Cardenal Cisneros in Madrid has a large collection of human anatomical models made of papier-mâché – papier-mâché or papelón-, dated between the last third of the XNUMXth century and the first decade of the XNUMXth century. Many of them were purchased as teaching materials in Dr. Auzoux's Parisian store by Manuel María José de Galdo, professor of Natural History at the institute.

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