Caño Alto Fountain

Restoration of the Caño Alto Fountain in Santorcaz


Included in the Historic Gardens and Fountains Plan of the Community of Madrid

The Fuente del Caño Alto has comprehensive protection as stated in the Catalog of Protected Assets of Santorcaz. It is located at the beginning of the road or livestock route called "Colada del Llano de San Simón", a road that connects Santorcaz with Anchuelo. The livestock route called “Colada de la Hontanilla” passes in front of the fountain. The property is attached to the natural terrain, whose land it contains thanks to the limestone wall, receiving water from a natural spring. 

The Caño Alto Fountain-drinking trough is composed of a rear retaining wall of the land made up of rows of limestone ashlars and some masonry. 

This fountain is made up of two longitudinal pylons of limestone ashlars, separated from each other by two large ashlars that have a perforated area at the bottom that allows the transfer of water between the two vessels. The approximate dimension of both fountain pylons is 13,10 m long by 2,10 m wide. The retaining wall rises about 2,40 meters. The spout, according to oral sources, belonged to the axis of a cart wheel.

Restoration project, images

The main works carried out have been the following:

  • Cleaning of vegetation and removal of biological agents such as vascular plants, mosses and algae, by manual removal.
  • removal of mortars of cement and bricks, as well as brushing the surface of the walls and cleaning the dirt.
  • Reintegration and substitution of masonry and masonry using criteria of distinction and reversibility in order to recover the original volumetry of the source, reusing materials from the area and even stone elements scattered throughout the environment that had belonged to the property. 
  • Grouted with lime mortar in tune with the existing stone. 
  • Achievement of a watertight glass from a layer of hydraulic lime mortar in a tone consistent with the joint mortar by manual execution and a final layer of resin. 
  • Restoration, substitution and reintegration of metallic elements: spout, "non-potable water" plate, overflow and information sign, all of them of the same material and color. 
  • Improvement and sanitation of the canalization system, including the integration of the chest and scupper with the new stone pavement and the monolithic furniture. 
  • Maintenance of elevated element next to the first glass that uses the cattle that makes use of the cattle track. Substitution of the pre-existing bricks by large stone elements.