
Exams and professional cards


Professional certificates and certificates of professional qualification

 Some professional activities require professional cards and certificates of professional qualification (installer, maintainer or authorized operator)


General Information

In order to be able to practice as a professional in certain activities subject to industrial or mining safety regulations, it is necessary to have the corresponding professional qualification that guarantees that said professional has the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to act as such.

Not all regulations contemplate the same ways of accreditation of professional qualification but, in general, we can talk about the following:

Theoretical-practical exam

College degree

FP degree / Professionalism certificate

Professional competence

Certified entity certification

Professional qualification in another Member State of the European Union

In addition, in the specific cases indicated below, the applicable provisions require that those wishing to exercise their activity in any of the fields indicated, not only have the professional qualification mentioned above, but must accredit this situation to the competent Administration , who must expressly recognize the ability of professionals to practice this profession by issuing a card whose obtaining is a prerequisite to exercise it. The fields included in this modality and in which, therefore, the so-called professional card is required are the following:

- Thermal installations in buildings.
- Tower crane operator.
- Operator of self-propelled mobile cranes (categories A and B).
- Machinist and mining paddler.

In the Community of Madrid, the competent body for issuing these cards is the General Directorate of Economic and Industrial Promotion, which is also responsible for carrying out the aptitude tests and issuing the professional qualification certificates for passing the test, which are necessary to prove the first situation indicated in the previous paragraphs.

To obtain more information about the modifications introduced in the regulations related to professional cards as a consequence of the approval of the 17 / 2009 Law, of 23 in November, on the free access to the services activities and their exercise, and of the 25 Law / 2009, from 22 in December, download the explanatory note issued by this General Directorate in this regard.

On the other hand, to obtain more information on how to apply for a card or a certificate of professional qualification for passing the exam click here  and to do so on the process of Enabling service companies dedicated to activities regulated by industrial safety regulations click here.

To obtain a list of companies authorized to act in these areas consult the Search Engine installers and enabled maintainers, click here.