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Enabling companies and professionals related to fluorinated gases


Certifications, authorizations and authorization of training centers

Here you can find information on the certifications, authorizations and authorizations provided in the Royal Decree 115 / 2017, of 17 of February, which regulates the marketing and handling of fluorinated gases and equipment based on them, as well as the certification of the professionals who use them and who establish the technical requirements for facilities that develop activities that emit fluorinated gases.

This Royal Decree establishes that:
- Those professionals who carry out certain activities related to the handling of fluorinated gases must have a personal certificate to be able to do so.
- Those companies that carry out certain activities related to the handling of fluorinated gases must have a company certificate to be able to do so.
- Those companies that distribute fluorinated gases can only supply said gases to those companies that comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 115/2017, of February 17.
- Those companies that distribute halons must have prior authorization to do so.

In the Community of Madrid, the competent body to issue these personal certificates, company certificates and authorizations to distribute halons is the DG for Economic and Industrial Promotion, which is also competent to authorize those centers that teach the courses that are necessary for obtain some of the personal certificates that have been mentioned above when it is not from centers authorized by the educational or labor administration.