
Search engine installation and maintenance companies


Installation and maintenance companies subject to industrial or mining safety regulations

To be able to practice as a professional in certain activities subject to industrial or mining safety regulations, it is necessary to possess the necessary theoretical-practical knowledge and, in some cases, to have previously obtained a certificate or card issued by the competent Public Administration, as well as to also belong to an authorized installation or maintenance company (autonomous entrepreneur or legal person) that has submitted a responsible declaration regarding compliance with regulatory requirements.

It is important to highlight that any company (whether it is a legal person or an "autonomous") that does not meet the established requirements and, therefore, is not registered in the corresponding registry, can not exercise its activity in the Community of Madrid, what the users of this type of services they must always hire the services of an installed installer or maintainer company.

In the Community of Madrid, the competent body to register these declarations and make the appropriate inscriptions is the General Directorate of Economic and Industrial Promotion, which is also in charge of controlling the actions of professionals who work in these areas and of companies in those that must develop their activity.

To help citizens locate companies authorized to carry out this type of activity and allow them to ensure that someone offering their services is truly qualified to do so, the Community of Madrid has developed the search engine for installation and maintenance companies, in which are registered all the legal persons of this type that act in the region and that are registered in its registry, as well as the autonomous businessmen that have given their express consent

It should be noted, however, that those companies from other autonomous communities that have presented the corresponding documentation in their community of origin are also authorized to act in the Community of Madrid, even if they are not registered in its registry. To see if a company from another autonomous community is authorized, you can access the information gathered by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism in the Industrial Integrated Registry (The installation and maintenance companies are registered in the Section b from the register).