Pezuela church detail
Header image #1 of the page "Protected Heritage 2021"
The parish church of Our Lady of the Snows in Manzanares el Real

Protected Heritage 2021


Learn about the Assets of Cultural Interest and the Assets of Heritage Interest declared in the Community of Madrid in 2021

The Community of Madrid, through the Governing Council, has declared in 2021 eighteen Assets of Cultural Interest and an Asset of Patrimonial Interest that bring together a series of unique values ​​from the historical, artistic, landscape or documentary point of view, and that from now on are under the protection categories contemplated by the Historical Heritage Law of the Community of Madrid. Among the protected assets are real estate, such as the El Gasco Dam or the Piedra Escrito site, movable assets such as the Ecce Homo attributable to Caravaggio or assets whose immaterial value acquires primary relevance, as in the case of the San Isidro patron saint festivities .


Assets of Patrimonial Interest

Cultural Interest Assets