Gans type foundry
Facade typographic foundry

Richard Gans Type Foundry


Asset of Cultural Interest in the category of Asset of Industrial Interest

La Richard Gans Type Foundry It is the only example of an old type factory and trade in materials, typographic machines and printing goods that is preserved in the Community of Madrid. It historically documents the structure and organization of the Graphic Arts industry in Madrid at the end of the XNUMXth century.

The industrial buildings that make up the factory on Altamirano and Princesa streets, maintain the laminated steel structure characteristic of the time, as well as a large part of its interior elements, of industrial aesthetics and functionality, constituting a unique example of that Madrid in process. from metamorphosis from town to cosmopolitan and industrial city.

Added to its architectural values ​​is the interest of the movable property that is kept there: machinery specific to the activity, movable types and furniture that allowed the Foundry to maintain its activity for a century of existence, throughout which it supplied material to the main publishing and graphic companies of the time, including the Rivadeneira printing press, located in the nearby Cuesta de San Vicente, or the ABC newspaper.