Aid for innovation

Calls and aid for innovation


Information on innovation aids and incentives

federation european unionCo-financed European Unioneducational counseling


In the period 2021‐2027, both the European Union and the Community of Madrid reinforce their support for projects linked to innovation, which has led to a significant increase in aid from the Community of Madrid, as well as of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


In relation to the FEDER 2021-2027 Program of the Community of Madrid, there is aid framed within Political Objective 1: A smarter Europe, promoting an innovative and intelligent economic transformation, through the following actions:


  • Aid to contribute to the improvement of public-private cooperation in R&D&I by supporting Tractor Effect technological innovation projects developed by open innovation centers (innovation hubs)


  • Seal of Excellence - Aid program aimed at reinforcing the complementarity of the EIC ACCELERATOR of the pilot program of the European Innovation Council (EIC) to promote business investment in R&D&I


  • Aid to promote technological innovation and promote the transfer of technology to the productive sector through IT liaison entities


  • innovation check


  • Aid for the development of young innovative technology-based companies (Start-ups) and SMEs with high innovative intensity

Fermina Orduña Awards