Congress image with stars and nature drawing


7 and 8 October 2020


I International Congress on energy of the Community of Madrid. ENERMADRID. The future of energy, the energy of the future

Energy plays an increasingly important role in human activity and social progress. Until recently, the available energy resources were limited and with a negative impact on the environment because we depended mainly on energy sources based on fossil fuels. Hence the need to work intensively to improve efficiency in the generation, storage and use of energy resources. But we must also put a special emphasis on the development and extension to all levels of renewable energies, which are clean, cheap energies of almost infinite abundance.

The Community of Madrid wants to be at the forefront of progress in this area, for which it carries out various actions, among which it is worth highlighting the development of an Energy Sustainability Law and the Energy Plan of the Community of Madrid-Horizonte 2030, which are currently in preparation.

According to this strategy, the next 7 and 8 October 2020 will be held the I INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENERGY OF THE COMMUNITY OF MADRID, ENERMADRID, with the slogan "The Future of Energy, the Energy of the Future", which will have the purpose of analyzing the situation of the energy sector, its prospects with the 2030 and 2050 horizons, the analysis of the situation and forecasts of the different energy technologies and the progress made in the transition towards a low-carbon energy model.

Opening session

Inauguration of the congress

Programme presentation


General Director of Industry, Energy and Mines. Madrid's community




He is an Industrial Engineer and a Bachelor of Business Administration and Management. He also has a diploma in Advanced Studies. He has been a Councilor in the City Council of Alcalá de Henares. He has also been managing director of the company Metalúrgica Madrileña and associate professor at the University of Alcalá, within the area of ​​Business Organization. Likewise, he has given courses and lectures at the University Institute for Automobile Research of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, at the CTIF Este Comunidad de Madrid and at Audit - Health.

He collaborates and is a founding member of the Sister Africa Association and is the author of numerous technical and informative publications.

SESSION 1.1. The future of energy


"An international vision of the energy transition" (This session will be held entirely in English)

Former EU Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action




Born in Madrid on February 24, 1950, he has a Law Degree from the Complutense University of Madrid and a State Lawyer. He was an Andalusian MP from 1982 to 1986, a European MP from 1986 to 1989; Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Senator from 2000 to 2004; Member of Congress for Cádiz from 2004 to 2007 and Madrid from 2008 to 2014; Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment from 2011 to 2014 and European Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action from 2014 to 2019.

Prof. Free University of Bruxelles. "Africa, Asia and technology, root of the future of energy"


Chemical Engineer from the Free University of Brussels. I have received his Ph.D. from the same university with a thesis in the field of energy. Between 1982 and 2018, he was a senior official at the Energy Directorate-General of the European Commission where he has devoted an entire career to energy technology and policy. Since 2003 he is a professor of energy geopolitics and energy politics at the Free University of Brussels. He also lectures at various universities. He is the author of 10 books on energy and sustainable development and many articles. Since 2019 he is President of the European society of engineers and industrialists. He is Knight of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland.

Director General OECD / NEA. "Nuclear Energy Innovation: Meeting the Challenges of the Future"



William D. Magwood IV is the NEA Director-General since 2014. Prior, he served as Commissioner appointed by the US President and confirmed by the Senate to the US NRC. 2005-2010, I have provided independent strategic and policy advice on energy, environmental and technology policy issues. 1998-2005, Mr. Magwood was Director of Nuclear Energy at the US DoE, where he launched several important initiatives including GIF. He began his career working as a scientist for Westinghouse and Edison Electric Institute. Mr. Magwood holds Bachelor's degrees in Physics and English from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master of Fine Arts from University of Pittsburgh.

Founder and Honorary Chairman of Beijing International Oil and Gas Executives Forum. Senior Adviser of Shanghai Future Exchanges and former Secretary General of the IEF. "The Meanings of 2030 and 2060 for Chinese Future Energy"


Dr. Sun Xiansheng served as the Secretary General of the International Energy Forum from August 2016 to July 2020. He was the President and chief researcher of The Economic and Technological Research Institute of China National Petroleum Corporation. He has worked in the oil and gas industry for more than 40 years and has accumulated rich experience in international cooperation in oil and gas production and pipeline construction and operation. He has participated in the research work of China's energy planning and energy policy. He holds a Master's degree and a PhD from the Center for Energy and Minerals Law and Policy Research, University of Dundee, United Kingdom.

President of Orkestra (Basque Institute of Competitiveness). "The relevance of the energy sector"



He has been Vice-Chairman Energy of BCG (2016-2018) and previously for 9 years a world leader in the energy practice.

With +30 years of experience, he has advised both companies in the sector and governments and regulators on matters related to energy and sustainable development. He is a member of various boards of companies in the energy sector (Tubacex, ENSO, T2 energy transition fund) as well as the Executive Committee of the Energy Access Platform.

He is a regular presenter in international forums such as IEF (International Energy Forum), WPC, GECF, IGU, ESADEGeo, Aspen Institute, AMER (Asian Ministerial Energy Roundtable) ...


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SESSION 1.2 A sustainable and fair energy transition


"How big companies face the energy transition. Growth and transformation. Threats, challenges and opportunities"

General Director of the Spanish Energy Club




Arcadio Gutiérrez Zapico is a Civil Engineer from the UPM, and a Master in Senior Management from IESE.

He began his professional activity in the nuclear sector in 1976, in the José Cabrera plant project. In 1987 he joined the Technical Corps of the State Civil Administration, being deputy director general in the ministries of Labor and Social Security, and of Industry and Energy.

In 1992 he returned to the energy sector as general director of Unión Fenosa Ingeniería, later Socoin Ingeniería y Construcción Industrial, in which he held the position of president. Between 2000 and 2002 he was president of the Spanish Association of Engineering, Consulting and Services Companies Tecnológico, Tecniberia, later being a member of the Board of Directors and Vice President of the Industry and Energy Sector until 2010.

Between 2004 and 2008 he was a member of the Board of Directors and president of the Consulting Commission at the College of Civil Engineers. Since 2007 he has participated as a member of the Governing Board of the Mutualidad de Promoción Social, FAM, of said College. Since December 2012 he has been general director of the Spanish Energy Club. He is also president of the Agustín de Betancourt and Civil Engineers, Channels and Ports foundations.

Director of Innovation. Naturgy





Electrical Industrial Engineer ICAI promotion of 1997 and PDD by IE Business School. He is Director of Innovation at Naturgy and professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the ICAI School of Industrial Engineering. He is vice president of the Board of KIC Innoenergy Iberia and member of the Governing Board at the Technological Institute of Energy. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the EnergyLab Technological Center and of the Advisory Council of the Efficient Habitat Cluster AEICE.

 Director of Innovation, sustainability and quality. Iberdrola



Industrial Engineer from the Escuela Superior Industrial (ICAI) of the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas in Madrid and Doctor in Industrial Engineering from the National University of Distance Education. He has also completed the Management School Program designed specifically for Iberdrola by IESE and the Global Leadership Program at IMD.
A professional with twenty years of experience, he began his career in different companies in the railway and energy sector. He joined Iberdrola in 2006 as Director of Innovation. In 2010 he was appointed Director of Innovation, Sustainability and Quality. In 2014, he was appointed Director of Innovation and Sustainability of the Iberdrola Group. He is also responsible for IBERDROLA's (PERSEO) venture capital program, where he coordinates PERSEO's investment in technology companies related to energy sustainability.
Member of the World Economic Forum, Global Future Council for Advanced Energy Technologies. She is a member of the advisory council of NEOTEC and the Center for Low Carbon Energy for Electric Power Systems at MIT.

Executive Director of Technology and Corporate Venturing. Repsol



He joined Repsol in 1998. For more than nine years, he was in charge of the climate change strategy. Prior to his current position, he was the Director of Sustainability.

Among other international institutions, he was a member, 2010 to 2013, of the Clean Development Mechanism Panel, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Currently, he represents Repsol as a member of the Executive Committee on Climate Investments in the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI).

Doctor Engineer, Higher Technical School Industrial Engineers, Physics Graduate Complutense Madrid University, Master Environmental Engineering EOI.

Head of executive training, IESE Leadership Development Program and ESADE-Wharton Business Management Program.

Director of Technology Services and Operations. Cepsa




An Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and an MBA from the San Telmo Institute of Seville, he joined CEPSA in 1990 occupying different positions in the Processes, Operations, Engineering, Business Development and Supply Chain departments, in several subsidiaries of the group. In 2015 he was appointed head of the Chemical business, a position he held until April 2020.

Director of business diversification. redexis




Industrial Technical Engineer specialized in control of industrial processes and linked to the gas sector since 1996. After passing through different companies in the sector, in 2014 he was appointed Regional Director of Redexis Gas in the Balearic Islands and in 2016 General Director of the island areas of the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. Since 2018, he has been Director of Business Diversification of Redexis developing projects for the construction of NGV and biomethane and hydrogen supply facilities for vehicular use and injection in gas distribution and transportation networks. As an expert in renewable gases, he has participated as a speaker at multiple congresses, round tables and sector conferences related to mobility and renewable gases.

Managing Director Endesa X. Endesa




Since 2017 Josep Trabado Farré has been Managing Director of Endesa X, Endesa's business division dedicated to the design and implementation of energy products and services to accelerate the energy transition.

Industrial engineer training at ETSEIB, General Management Program by IESE, and with a Master in Marketing; has developed extensive professional experience in Marketing, Communication and Development of Energy Products, Sales Channels and Alliances.

Josep joined the Endesa group in 1985, starting his career in the Commercial Area of ​​Forces Eléctricas de Cataluña (FECSA), where he held various executive positions in the area of ​​Business Development. In 1998 he became Endesa Marketing Director and in 2005 Residential Market Director for Spain and Portugal before assuming the position of General Director of Endesa X.

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SESSION 2.1. Technological and economic trends in renewable energies


"The future is already here. The technologies seen by technology associations at their brightest moment and with a promising present and future"

Deputy Director General for Industrial and Energy Promotion. Madrid's community



Industrial Engineer from the ETSII of Bilbao. He belongs to the Corps of Industrial Engineers of the State and to the Corps of Superior Engineers of the Community of Madrid. He currently holds the position of Deputy Director General for Industrial and Energy Promotion in the Community of Madrid. Member of the Energy Commission of the Official College of Industrial Engineers of Madrid and of the Energy Commission of the Spanish Institute of Engineering. Author of the Energy Plan of the Community of Madrid-Horizon 2020.

President APPA Renovables




Santiago Gómez Ramos is president of the Association of Renewable Energy Companies (APPA Renovables), an entity that brings together about 400 companies that work for the development of all renewable technologies in Spain.

A Senior Mining Engineer from the ETSM of Madrid, specialized in Energy and Fuels, and PDF from IESE, Gómez Ramos has spent a large part of his career at ACCIONA, a company he joined in 1994 from IDAE. With a track record of nearly three decades in Senior Management positions in the national renewable sector, he is currently Director of Energy Management at ACCIONA.

President Protermosolar



Doctor in Aeronautical Engineering from the UPM and Sociologist from the Complutense. It began in 1975 in the Space Division of CASA promoting the Solar Energy department. From Interatom / Siemens (Germany) he participated in the AIE solar power plant in Almería. At ASINEL, he led the technical direction of the Spanish-German solar and wind projects. Later he was appointed director of the CIEMAT Renewable Energy Institute promoting national and international projects.

In 1989, he turned towards technology management, first from the CDTI and later as DG of AENTEC. In 1992 he was appointed director of the Corporación Empresarial de Extremadura, promoting 50 companies, with a positive net result from his investments. In 2008 he returned to the solar thermal sector as SG of PROTERMOSOLAR and president since 2014, as well as president of ESTELA from 2011 to 2019. He has also been a professor at UPM.

This past week it received the Lifetime Award from SolarPACES, an organization of the IEA that is the most relevant worldwide in the Thermosolar sector,

President AEE




Electromechanical Engineer (ICAI) and MBA (IDE) and linked to the renewable energies for 27 years. In September 2001 he joined Gamesa where he has developed his professional career where he has held different management positions in Business Development, Construction, Promotion, Solar, Off-shore and Marketing, having recently assumed the functions of Regulation and Hybrid Systems.

He has been Chairman of the Spanish Wind Association (AEE) and Board Member of the European Wind Association (EWEA) and of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). 

Director General UNEF




José Donoso has been working in the renewables sector for more than 30 years, and is currently the General Director of the Unión Española Fotovoltaica (UNEF), an association that brings together more than 85% of the companies in the sector in Spain.

He is also President of the Spanish Photovoltaic R&D Platform (Fotoplat) and member of the Advisory Council of the Electric Market Organization (OMEL).

At the international level, he is President-elect of the Global Solar Council (GSC), member of Task 1 of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and member of the Steering Committee of the European Photovoltaic Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP PV)

He combines his professional activity with that of a professor in the postgraduate course in Wind Energy at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and in the Master in Renewable Energies and Energy Market at the School of Industrial Organization.

President fGER




Graduate Biology (Environmental specialist), MBA and SMP by “Instituto de Empresa (IE)”. More than 20 years of experience in the waste management sector, as project manager and contractual manager. Experienced in waste to energy project and renewable energies. President “Foro de Generadores de Energía de Residuos (fGER)”, association which promote the use of waste as a resource to produce energy complementary with the European waste treatment hierarchy. Professionally linked to Valoriza Medioambiente (Sacyr) as Director Waste Treatment Department developing project in the national and international market.

UPM Professor




Mining Engineer (Promotion 1979), Doctor of Mining Engineer (1986) and Professor of Engineering Projects of the ETS of Mining Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid since 1992. In a first stage (1979-2000) he developed his professional career in the private mining sector. In his second stage (2000-2016) he was General Director of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Community of Madrid, in addition to holding other positions in the administration.

Within the teaching work, he has been coordinator of various subjects, author of more than 150 professional reports on mining and land restoration, 70 articles, and co-author and editor of more than fifty books on mining, tunnel engineering, the environment, etc. President and promoter of the GEOENER Congresses; CLIMAPLUS, GENEDIS, CivilDRON, Building Energy Rehabilitation Strategies (E3 +) and Electric Energy Storage, ALEN´20.

SESSION 2.2. Distributed generation, self-consumption, smart grids and sustainable mobility


"Steps to follow to achieve the necessary acceleration in the distributed generation, management and uses of energy"

Director of Renewable Energies and Electricity Market. IDAE




Victor Marcos Morell is an Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and an Industrial Engineer of the State since 2016. With more than 10 years of experience in the energy sector, and especially in that of renewable energies. He has held various positions in the renewable industry, mainly as a risk analyst in financing, sales, refinancing and project promotion. 

In 2016, he joined the General Sub-Directorate of Renewable Energies and Studies within the Secretary of State for Energy. He has participated, among other projects, in the work related to the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC). He has also developed other energy prospective, analysis and regulatory development work, among others, of the Renewable Energy Directive and the Energy Union Governance Regulation.

Since January 2020 he has been part of the cabinet of the Secretary of State for Energy

President of the Renovables Foundation."The social contract for energy"




Superior Industrial Engineer from ICAI and Bachelor of Economic Sciences. 40 years of experience in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability.

He is currently President of the Renovables Foundation and founding patron. General Director of Sustainability, Renewable Energies at Endesa 2007-2015, General Director of Gamesa Energía 2001-2007, General Director of SINAE 1988-2001, Head of Projects and Systems at the CIEMAT Institute of Renewable Energies 1984-1988, Head of Renewable Energy Postgraduate Technological Institute 1979-1984.

He has held different positions in renewable sector associations, and has carried out cooperation projects mainly in LATAM for UNO, IDB, European Commission, private foundations, etc.


Executive Director. ENTER Aggregators. “Potential of the Aggregation of distributed resources"



Alicia Carrasco, CEO olivoENERGY, a European energy transition consultancy specialized in regulatory support services and vision design to be implemented by technology startups, large corporations, associations and public institutions.

She is the executive director of the association of aggregation and flexibility enters. Previously, she was Director of European Regulation for Siemens Digital Grid and European Director of Government Affairs for Tesla. In 2010 he co-founded the European association for flexibility SmartEN bringing demand aggregation to the European energy agenda. In 2018, he co-founded it as a national axis to promote the aggregation of distributed resources and the flexibility they provide.

Head of Electric Power. Elizabeth II Channel. “Water-energy binomial: the challenge of carbon neutrality"




Degree in Economics. Professional linked to the Energy and Environment area with more than 25 years of experience.

He is currently the Head of Electric Power at Canal Isabel II. Previously, he was Director of the FC2E Carbon Fund, a € 100 million investment initiative in clean technologies sponsored by Banco Santander and the Official Credit Institute (ICO). He began his professional career at Iberdrola Ingeniería y Consultoría. Next, at PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Garrigues Environment as Manager Responsible for the Climate Change and Energy Area.

During his professional career he has led various investment projects in renewable energy and has participated in numerous consulting projects on energy issues.

Director of digital transformation. TECNATOM. 
"Towards a digitalized and intelligent electrical system"



Doctor of Engineering in Energy Technologies from the UPM. He has participated in Executive Development Programs at ESADE and EOI and has been trained in Business Model Innovation.

After more than 20 years in the energy and technology sector, with a clear focus on innovation, he joined Tecnatom in 2018 to lead the Digital Transformation for the Operation and Management of Assets, where he is promoting the development of innovative solutions for the energy sector. By applying new technologies and putting the skills and experience acquired in more than 60 years at Tecnatom at the service of the energy transition, it is promoting the most efficient and safe operation of energy and industrial facilities.

Researcher at the IIT of the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. "Electric grids: their digitization"



Miguel A. Sanchez Fornié is a Senior Electromechanical Engineer from ICAI (1974), has a Diploma in Nuclear Safety from MIT, Boston (1977), and has followed PhD courses in "Advanced regulatory issues in the electricity sector", taught by Professor Pérez Arriaga (2008). He began working at Hidroeléctrica Española in 1974 where he was assigned to the Cofrentes nuclear power plant project in the first stage of his career, in which he had the opportunity to work for General Electric in San José (California). Later, he participated in the operation of Hidrola's electrical system, where he was responsible for its new control system. In 1991, as a result of the merger with Iberduero, he became responsible for telecommunications, and since 2003 he also became responsible for the distribution control systems. In 2016, he took over the Global Smart Grids Management of the Iberdrola group. Within his teaching activity, since 2002 he has been teaching Intelligent Networks in different ICAI Master courses.

President of the Technical Commission for Engines, Fuels and Lubricants ASEPA. "The challenge of decarbonisation of fuels before the European Green Deal"



Industrial Engineer Doctor. Former Automotive and Fuel Consultant at Repsol SA Professor of the Automotive Engineering Master's Degree at INSIA - UPM and the Industrial Engineering Master's Degree at the Rey Juan Carlos University. President of the ASEPA Technical Commission for Engines, Fuels and Lubricants. Extensive experience in projects in the automotive, internal combustion engine and fuel sector.

CEO. AEDIVE. "The industrial, technological and service potential in electric mobility "



He has studied Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid, Journalism branch. For more than 20 years, he has directed various professional publications in the areas of Energy, Logistics, Sustainable Architecture and Sustainable Mobility. He has been director of marketing and communication of energy engineering companies and since 2011 has directed AEDIVE, a business association for the development and promotion of Electric Mobility, which brings together the industrial, technological and eMobility services value chain.

SESSION 3.1. Future of traditional technologies and climate change


"Traditional generation technologies have their role in the future and have answers to its challenges"


CEO of Enagás




Marcelino Oreja has been the CEO of Enagás since 2012. He actively leads initiatives to promote the use of renewable gases, such as hydrogen and biomethane, and promotes innovation, digitization and entrepreneurship in the company. Currently, he is also a Trustee of the Fundación Transforma España.

He is an Industrial Property Agent and Industrial Engineer from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI) of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Between 1992 and 1997 he was Secretary General of the National Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs. Among other senior positions, he was International Director of Aldeasa, President of FEVE and Director of the Basque Energy Agency. From 2002 to 2004 he was a Member of the European Parliament. 

NEDGIA business development. Naturgy




Technical industrial engineer

Since 1997 working in the natural gas distributor of the Naturgy group, currently called Nedgia (formerly Gas Natural Distribución). He has held various responsibilities related to the expansion of the natural gas distribution business and is currently the Head of New Business Development at Nedgia.

President of BP Spain and President of the Petroleum Operators Association (AOP).



Luis Aires graduated with an extraordinary degree award in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Valencia.

He began his career in bp in 1991 and has held positions of responsibility in Spain, Europe and the United States. He has extensive experience in the Refining, Supply, Commercial, Finance and Strategy sectors. In addition to being president of bp in Spain, he is also vice president of Strategy and Portfolio of bp for Europe and Africa and a director of Pan American Energy Group.

Additionally, he is president of the Spanish Association of Petroleum Products Operators and member of the board of directors of ENERCLUB.

Director of Regulation. Iberdrola Spain. "The future of hydraulics"



Degree in Economics and Business Studies from the University of the Basque Country and Master of Science in Management Studies from the Teesside Business School (UK).

His first 10 professional years were developed in Latin America, holding various positions of responsibility, such as Director of Regulation, Planning and Control of Grupo Empresa Eléctrica de Guatemala and Vice President of the Guatemalan wholesale market.

After his return to Spain, he has worked in Iberdrola's Regulation Directorate for another 10 years, being, among others, responsible for Iberdrola's Global Regulatory Positioning and European Regulation.

President of the Forum of the Spanish Nuclear Industry. "Nuclear energy in the energy transition"



Ignacio Araluce, born in San Sebastián, has been president of the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum since March 2017. He has spent his entire professional life dedicated to nuclear energy.

Graduated in Physical Sciences and PDD from IESE Business School, he is also graduated in Nuclear Engineering. He started working at Tecnatom in 1979 where he held various positions and directed the Almaraz nuclear power plant (Cáceres) for 14 years, from 1988 to 2002.

He started his international experience in Slovakia in 2005 and for 10 years he headed WANO Paris, the world association of nuclear operators.

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Session 3.2. New energy technologies


"New ideas, projects and realities for future energy development"

President of OMEL




Since October 2018, she has been President of OMEL and OMICLEAR, as well as Executive Vice President of OMIE and OMIP SGMR. She is currently also a Director of MIBGAS and MIBGAS Derivatives. She is also the President of the Spanish Association of Women in Energy (AEMENER). She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fundación Energía sin Fronteras, of which she was President between 2002 and 2007. With a long career in the private sector, among other positions, she was Executive President of Fortia Energía, General Director of International at ACCIONA, President of ACCIONA Energía, Director of ENDESA and Director of the energy area at PricewaterhouseCoopers. She also developed an intense professional activity in the economic area of ​​the General State Administration, from 1986 to 2004, with positions of great relevance in the energy sector such as General Director of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE ) and the Director General of Energy Policy and Mines. In this context, he has participated in the Board of Directors of different companies, including REE, CLH and ENRESA. Carmen has a degree in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid, and studied senior management at the IESE Business School. He belongs to the Superior Corps of Civil Administrators of the State and to the Corps of Superior Technicians of the Community of Madrid.

Director-General of ACOGEN "High efficiency cogeneration"



Industrial Engineer from the ETSII of Madrid and Executive MBA from the Instituto de Empresa. His professional career began in 1996 in the EUROPAC group where he held different positions as Head of Cogeneration and Services, Purchasing Director and Industrial Director. In 2002 he joined ASPAPEL (Spanish Association of Pulp, Paper and Cardboard Manufacturers) as Director of the Environment. Since 2008 he has been the General Director of ACOGEN, the Spanish Cogeneration Association. He is a member of the CNMC's Electricity and Hydrocarbons Advisory Councils, the OMIE Market Agents Committee and national working groups (CEOE, Foment, REE, MIBGAS…) and Europeans on energy, environmental and industrial matters.

Senior Regional Manager. EPRI International. "Initiative for the selection and demonstration of low carbon footprint technologies"



Responsible for Southern Europe and Latin America at EPRI, Electric Power Research Institute. He manages relations with EPRI members in said region, facilitating technology transfer and leading the strategy for business development, as well as the institutional strategy in relation to Governments, Regulators and other institutions.

Before joining EPRI 7 years ago, he worked at Iberdrola, where he held different positions in the organization of energy markets and at Iberdrola Generación Nuclear. He directed the Center for Monitoring, Diagnosis and Simulation, supporting the operation and maintenance of Iberdrola's non-renewable fleet.

President of AeH2 "Renewable hydrogen: its potential and advantages for Spain"



Engineer from the University of Seville, and Doctor from the Pablo de Olavide University; did his doctoral thesis on Hydrogen Economics. In 1998 he began his professional career in the field of hydrogen. In 2016, he founded H2B2, a technology company focused on the clean production of hydrogen through electrolysis.

He is president of the Spanish Hydrogen Association, vice president of the Spanish Fuel Cell Association and secretary of the Spanish Technological Platform for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, and professor and director of the Master's Degree Engineering area at Loyola Andalucía University.

Director of Transformation. Enagas. "Green Crane Project. Positioning Spain as hub for the generation of renewable H2 "


He has held the position since September 2017. He leads initiatives and projects in the areas of Digitization, Innovation and New Services and Business. He is also Chairman of the Board of AXENT, a wholesale operator of telecommunications transport services. Until the end of 2018 he was a member of the Board of TAP (Trans Adriatic Pipeline).
He is a Chemical Engineer from the University of Santiago de Compostela and holds two Master's degrees: Executive MBA (IESE) and Executive Education Program (London Business School).
He has held various positions at Enagás from 2001 to 2017: Project Engineer, Head of Operations at the Barcelona LNG Plant, Director of the Cartagena LNG Plant and Director of International Project Coordination.

President of AEPIBAL. "Storage with batteries: a necessary market, a possible industry"



With more than 12 years of experience in the renewable energy sector, Luis Marquina has participated in the process of birth of these energies in Spain and its subsequent international expansion, operating as a business development consultant for large national and international firms such as FCC, Solaria, Renovalia, EC Harris (today Arcadis) or the Korean group S-Energy for the successful implementation of these companies in the British and Italian markets first, and Latin American later. Since joining the Gransolar Group in 2015, he has been Director of Business Development for Spain and Latam, with activities in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Argentina, and since the beginning of this year he has been the Group's Institutional Relations Department, in addition to giving commercial support to your storage division. As a result of this activity, the presidency of AEPIBAL, the reference association for storage in Spain, is framed.

Director-General of CIEMAT
"Fusion as a source of future energy and its impact on Spain"


Graduated in Physical Sciences from the University of Zaragoza and PhD in Electrophysics from the Polytechnic Institute of New York. In 1986, after eight years in the US, he joined CIEMAT to the team that built the TJ-II fusion experiment. In 1992 he was the first Director of the National Fusion Laboratory (CIEMAT) and in 2004 he was appointed General Director of
Technological Policy. From 2006 to 2015 he held the position of Deputy Director General at the ITER International Organization. In 2016 he was appointed Executive Director of the Commission for the Implementation of IFMIF-DONES in Spain and since September 2018 he is General Director of CIEMAT. 

SESSION 4.1. Energy policies and strategies for a just transition


"How national and regional policies lead us to a just energy transition"

General Director of Industry, Energy and Mines. Madrid's community




He is an Industrial Engineer and a Bachelor of Business Administration and Management. He also has a diploma in Advanced Studies. He has been a Councilor in the City Council of Alcalá de Henares. He has also been managing director of the company Metalúrgica Madrileña and associate professor at the University of Alcalá, within the area of ​​Business Organization. Likewise, he has given courses and lectures at the University Institute for Automobile Research of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, at the CTIF Este Comunidad de Madrid and at Audit - Health.

He collaborates and is a founding member of the Sister Africa Association and is the author of numerous technical and informative publications.

Director General of IDAE




He is an Energy and Environment Engineer from the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK), where he also completed a Master's Degree in Energy and Environment Engineering.

His professional career has been fundamentally linked to the development of renewable energies. In the United Kingdom he worked as an engineer in project development and management of wind facilities and, later, as a consultant on issues such as the impact of low-carbon technologies, the development of models to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of storage technologies, and the potential of demand management mechanisms for integrating renewables into the system, among others.

In 2015, he was appointed General Director of Energy and Climate Change of the Government of the Balearic Islands and, in November 2018, he joined the IDAE as Director of Renewable Energies and Electricity Market. He has participated in the preparation of the draft of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 and in regulatory developments such as self-consumption. It has also contributed to recovering the role of IDAE as a catalyst and meeting point for the energy debate and to reactivate the Institute's actions in terms of investment in new energy solutions.

President of AELEC. "The role of electricity for a just energy transition"




Marina Serrano has a degree in Law and Philosophy and Letters from the University of Zaragoza. She has belonged to the State Lawyers Corps since 1982, currently on leave of absence and is a member of the Madrid Bar Association. She has been Secretary of the Board of Directors of Red Eléctrica de España and Director of its Legal Counsel, Counselor of the National Energy Commission (CNE), First Vice President of ARIAE (Association of Ibero-American Energy Regulators), General Director of the Heritage of State, in the Ministry of Finance (2001-2004) and member of the Board of Directors of Abertis Infraestructuras SA, as independent director. Currently, she is Of Counsel at Pérez-Llorca, President of aelēc, Vice President of CEOE and member of the Board of Directors of OMEL.

Director of MAUE and


He began his professional career more than 17 years ago at the consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers, specializing in the energy sector. In 2007, he joined ACCIONA in the Strategic Analysis and R&D Department, developing projects to create new business models and technology transfer. In 2012, he joined (formerly ACCIONA Microenergía), ACCIONA's corporate foundation, as project manager and since July 2017 as Managing Director. His current field of work includes the development of access programs to basic services such as energy, water and sanitation in isolated rural communities, ranging from the design, implementation and exploitation of projects with a long-term and sustainability approach. It currently supports and coordinates the activity of in Spain and in the countries where it operates (Peru, Mexico, Panama and Ethiopia) as well as the expansion of activities to new geographies. The Foundation provides a service of access to energy, water and sanitation to almost 60.000 beneficiaries in various countries.

He is a Chemical Engineer from the University of Salamanca, a Master in Renewable Energies and the Energy Sector from the School of Industrial Organization (EOI) of Madrid and an Executive MBA from this same institution.

Deputy Minister for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Sustainability of the Community of Madrid



He is a Senior Technician of the General State Administration.

He has held different management positions on environmental content in the three administrations (AGE, CM and Madrid City Council).

He has been DG of Environmental Control and Transport in the Madrid City Council, DG of Environmental Assessment and DG of Environment, in the Ministry of the Environment of the Community of Madrid, and Commissioner of the Government of the Community of Madrid for climate change.

He is currently the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Sustainability.



  • Technical organization