Tania Dinis projector

Video Art Festival Projector


From September 8 to 19, 2021. El Águila and Alcalá 31.

The 14th Edition of the Proyector Video Art Festival opted for the dissemination of the moving image of an experimental, contemporary and committed nature. With the aim of generating networks of artists and professionals in the sector to make the production of creators visible, this edition hosted more than 90 works by a hundred artists spread over 23 venues, including El Águila and Alcalá 31.

The festival included in its program video art exhibitions, performances, workshops and events in streaming, among other initiatives.

geography images




Duration: 3:00
El Águila Exhibition Hall, ground floor.

boothworks is a collage of manipulated archival images and quotes from curators, artists and art critics cut out and custom assembled. The result is a fictional documentary in which a voice in off describes, from an uncertain future, an international art form that was consolidated around 2010.

The axis of the work is articulated on the "art of the cabin" which consists of converting the stand of the gallery at art fairs in a performative artistic medium. The "Booth art", as the narrator calls it, is nomadic, portable, "anti-galleria", ephemeral, performative, site-specific and it resists being turned into merchandise. The narrator presents the advantages of this innovative idea, but at the same time reflects on the relationship with capitalism and the general impact on the art market and its professionals, wondering what the institutional and curatorial objectives that promote these practices and how the figure of the art critic becomes unnecessary under these new circumstances.

Cristina Garrido is an artist trained in Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid and the Camberwell College of Arts (2007-2008). He obtained a Master of Fine Arts from Wimbledon College of Art (2010-2011) with a Grant from the “la Caixa” Foundation for postgraduate studies in Great Britain. She has been awarded the Generation 2015 Art Projects Montemadrid Foundation Award (2015), the Botín Foundation Visual Arts Grant (2017-2018) and the ARCO Award for Young Artists (2018).

His work has been exhibited internationally, including exhibitions at The British Museum (London), On Curating Project Space (Zürich), Centro Botín (Santander), Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Móstoles / Madrid), Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (Seville) or CASS Sculpture Foundation (West Sussex), among many others.