San Isidro Institute
Old Leica Camera
Image of the IES San Isidro

Virtual exhibition on the historical collections of the IES San Isidro


A tour of the scientific spaces and collections that are still preserved in this historic educational institution

The San Isidro Institute is a public secondary education teaching center dependent on the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid.

It is the oldest educational center in Madrid, one of the six historical institutes, it was created in 1845. It is located in the heart of the “Madrid de los Austrias”, in part of the scarce spaces, that are conserved, of the building in which the Imperial College was based. This school, founded in 1603 by the Empress María de Austria, daughter of Carlos V, was born in order to educate the children of princes and nobles, it was ruled by the Jesuits until their expulsion from Spain, promulgated by Carlos III, in 1767. It exerted great influence in the Madrid cultural and pedagogical sphere, as well as, it had an important artistic projection in the capital's Baroque.

Recovered shortly after for teaching, the old building has given shelter to various institutions throughout its history, such as schools, colleges and university-level libraries, dedicating itself to teaching, uninterruptedly, for four hundred years. Witness of the different educational plans that have shaped the education of our country, he has counted among his students some of the most prominent figures in history, politics, science and culture, among others, López de Vega, Calderón de la Barca, Francisco de Quevedo, José Canalejas, Pío Baroja, Gregorio Marañón, King Juan Carlos I, José de Echegaray, Víctor Hugo, José Luis Sampedro or Vicente Aleixandre.