Conclusions of the III International Congress of Patrimonial Education



The minutes of the III International Congress of Patrimonial Education are already available, fruit of the collaboration of the Community of Madrid, the Institute of Cultural Patrimony of Spain (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) and the Observatory of Patrimonial Education in Spain. The publication discloses the main lines of research and innovation in this field, as well as practices and reference proposals.

The monograph collects the interventions made in the framework of the III International Congress of Patrimonial Education, held at the El Águila Cultural Complex, between the 26 and 28 days of October of 2016, focused on the analysis of educational action in the field of management of the patrimonial resources.

At the meeting, in which more than 200 specialists (educators and managers of cultural goods) participated, the following lines of work, collected in the minutes, were addressed:

  • Research in Heritage Education.
  • Heritage Education and social inclusion.
  • Patrimonial education from the base: communities and social networks.
  • Creation and Heritage Education.

The congress, a meeting place for professionals and experts in the research and praxis of Heritage Education, is part of the actions of the National Plan for Education and Heritage. Likewise, it constitutes one of the implementation measures of the Regional Plan for Heritage Education of the Community of Madrid.  


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