• Portada de Magical guide to the region of Madrid
    Ref. 50647
    Magical guide to the region of Madrid
    Colección: Turismo
    Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deporte - D.G. Turismo y Hostelería
    Libro en papel · 13 x 21 cm. · Pág: Il.: 88 p.
    Madrid, 2022 DL: M/18437/2021
    Distribución Institucional

    Versión digital en la Biblioteca Virtual de la Comunidad de Madrid (https://www.comunidad.madrid/publicamadrid)


    "Magical guide to the region of Madrid" . A magical route through the region, proposed by Clara Tahoces. The mysteries and legends of the Community of Madrid are largely unknown. The villages of the Community have a plethora of secrete spots replete with stories worthy of being told round the fireplace on a winter night. These stories must be rescued so they do not sink into oblivion, so that this past – falling somewhere between myth and history – does not get lost by the relentless passage of time. by the relentless passage of time.