Image of the Short Film 2019

Community of Madrid Short Film Week

2019 edition


From the 1 to the 7 of April in different spaces of the Community

A small Sample of Short Films Launched in 1999 was the beginning of a project that has grown little by little, becoming one of the most important events in the national territory dedicated to the promotion of short films. In the Edition 21 they have participated 41 short films en official section, they have been developed Special sessions in 68 municipalities, 30 training activities  or with a Professional Forum of the Short Film who has celebrated his 3ª edition in 2019.

Arantxa Echevarría has received a well-deserved tribute this year at Short Film Week after his long career in the world of short films and Colombia has been a guest country, with a special presence of one of the most important Ibero-American festivals: Bogoshorts. The festivals of Sundance, Berlinale, Clermont-Ferrand and Oscar awards They have consolidated a continued presence in the Short Film Week, which becomes an event that brings together the most outstanding short films of international filmography. The programming of the Week grows every year in the desire to promote the short film to the Madrid public. 


Between the 1 and the 7 for April the Community of Madrid has become the big screen of the short film with the celebration of the Short Film Week.

Short Film Week Awards
